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Maintaining Normalcy During COVID-19

Posted on: March 20, 2020
Washing hands

With the new adjustments to your students’ learning schedules and your work schedules, this is a stressful time for all of us. Not knowing when this will let up just adds to the anxiety. We wanted to share some tips for how to keep life as “normal” as possible with your kids – and yourself – through this period. 

  1. Keep a routine: this will show your kids that even though they aren’t in school, there is still normalcy to these days. Providing structure in an unstructured time period is important for keeping up attention-span, work ethic, and attitudes. 
    1. Wake your kids up at the same time and put them to bed at the same time. 
    2. Schedule meals (breakfast-lunch-snack-dinner) just like a typical school day. 
    3. Schedule some daily quiet time, such as reading, time for creative play, journaling, etc. 
    4. Steer your child away from the television during the “school hours” if possible, unless for a learning activity. Studies show that after a child starts watching TV, it can be very difficult to get their minds to refocus on the work they have to do. 
  1. Maintain regular health habits, and encourage your family to do the same. 
    1. Wash hands before and after eating, sneezing, blowing noses, etc. 
    2. Brush teeth in the morning and evening. 
    3. Keep the house clean of excessive trash and unwashed dishes – have your kid help out (if s/he doesn’t already!). 
  1. Keep high spirits in front of your child – but also be aware of where your child is in this confusing situation.
    1. If your child asks you a question about COVID-19, be honest, of course, but try to limit their panic by keeping a positive attitude. Your children feed off of you, they will look to you to see how you are handling the situation and will imitate your habits. 
    2. Here is a great explanation of COVID-19 that is appropriate for young ones. Help them understand what is going on without causing undue fear; information can help us all feel better about what is happening in our world. 
    3. Most importantly, be aware of what your child can handle; this situation is triggering anxiety in some children, and they may need additional support. If you feel your child requires additional help during this time, please contact your child’s building principal to be put you in touch with the appropriate resources. 
  2. Use this time to its best advantage.
    1. Since our schedules have come to a grinding halt, instead of fighting it, enjoy the time off to reconnect your family – talk, laugh, and enjoy each other.
    2. Plan fun activities like game or movie nights when possible. We’re all locked in together, might as well get that family time!